Upcoming CVWB meeting re: Groundwater in the Vicinity of the Hodson/Littlejohns Faults, Calaveras County
2011 June 11
Notice of a meeting that specifically mentions DiamondXX groundwater issues. I’m not at all sure I understand what is being proposed here. Can anyone shed some light? Does this have any impact on our properties or wells?
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At first glance, I wonder why this meeting is being held in Stockton rather than near the site in question. !?! A better location would have been the Copperopolis armory.
The impact this could have on our water quality designation, use of the water from our wells, is why we need to be involved. Per the California Regional Water Quality Control Board’s letter “The basin plan currently requires that the Board protect this groundwater so that it can be utilized for various uses, including municipal and domestic supply. Due to the high salt concentrations, the groundwater in portions of this area may not support these uses”. So, modification of the designated groundwater beneficial uses in the project area could include amending the plan to change the current status. The board is asking for our involvment and comments on the “possible regulatory actions, alternatives and the significant environmental impacts that could be associated with modifying designated groundwater beneficial uses in the Project Area.” I think we need to attend so we know just what is going on.